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Is short for “Sally Holmes” – a well-known large single cream rose that has always been a part of my life and featured in every garden I have ever owned. My love for Sally Holmes came from Mum. She also had this rose in her garden at Moa Flat in West Otago and then she also took it with her to Albury. My interest in growing things started pretty young. Dad bought me a hot bed to use in the glasshouse and I used to play around with germinating seeds and growing the trees for around the dams on the farm. After growing trees I moved onto propagating rhododendron’s and then roses. Sally Holmes was actually one of the easier roses to grow from cutting. I still love her large simple smiley face.


76.2 x 101.6cm
Deep Edge Canvas (3.5cm)
Acrylics with Oil Glaze

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Contact for all inquiries.

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